Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Facial Shingles and Financial Assistance

Trigeminal Neuralgia

          As we know Shingles can show up anywhere across the body due to the virus remaining dormant within the nerves in our body. We have nerves that run throughout every single part of our body; therefore it can pop up just about anywhere. As we discussed within our last posting, post hepatic neuralgia (pain within the nerves after presentation) is a consequence of untimely treatment of shingles. Now we ask what is trigeminal neuralgia and why is it important to know what it is? This condition is associated with what we call orofacial acute shingles. In general terms this means facial shingles. Facial shingles comes from the herpes zoster virus reappearing within the Trigeminal Nerve, therefore affecting the face.
Trigeminal Nerve. Digital image. Https://bdyerillustration.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/trigeminal-nerve-redone-150-dpi1.jpg. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2015. <https://bdyerillustration.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/trigeminal-nerve-redone-150-dpi1.jpg>.

Above is a picture of where the trigeminal nerve innervates your face. With this picture and previous posts on how shingles behaves we can see that shingles can appear all across the face.

Orofacial Acute Herpes Zoster. Digital image.Http://www.medscape.com/content/2003/00/45/83/458361/art-sm458361.fig1.jpg. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2015. <http://www.medscape.com/content/2003/00/45/83/458361/art-sm458361.fig1.jpg>.

As we can see above, shingles has appeared and is affecting the left side of the face. This identification of a single sided facial rash matches with what we know about shingles; that is only presents on one side, or unilaterally. Particular to the trigeminal presentation of Shingles, it is very important to seek medical care as quickly as possible. As we can see in the first picture, the Trigeminal Nerve innervates the eyes which can cause eye swelling, as seen above. Without timely treatment with antiviral drugs, there is a possibility for vision loss. As shingles is allowed to progress without treatment damage can be done to the nerves, which results in the conditions we have previously discussed of lingering neuralgia.

Financial Concerns

If there are concerns about finances toward treatment options there are a few routes of treatment according to SIMED Physician Dr. Muhammad, Ali, M.D. Valtrex is the most common treatment however there are cheaper options available. If finances are the primary concern, discussion with your physician about other options, such as cheaper acyclovir, are possible alternatives. There are a variety of prescription financial assistance programs available for those whom meet the requirements. Companies such as RxHope offer programs for prescription assistance. Below is a link to the requirements and steps to take to acquire Valtrex through assistance programs. Your overseeing physician can also recommend other programs for other means of financial assistance. 

Financial Assistance Programs:


SIMED: Dr. Muhammad, Ali M.D.

 "Patient Assistance Information." Patient Assistance Information. Web. 29 July 2015.

"JCDA - Journal of the Canadian Dental Association." How to Manage Acute Herpes Zoster Affecting Trigeminal Nerves. Web. 29 July 2015.

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