Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Primary Care Physician Take on Vaccination and Essential Information

Vaccination Information
Other important information that both patients and families should be familiar with are what to expect post vaccination. In 99% of cases concerning the Zostavax vaccination, there are no notable side effects, however <1% reported episodic headaches and injection sight reactions and irritations, as reported in the Vostavax informational sheet that is contained within the Merck Vaccinations packaging. Other contraindications toward getting vaccinated include: Neomycin or gelatin allergies as this may trigger anaphalaxis, or a whole bodily reaction to drugs which results in difficulty breathing, swallowing, increased heart rate and more. Other valuable information to consider is nursing mothers. It is not known whether or not the VZV is passed through breast feeding, therefore it is crucial to consider this before any breastfeeding because of possible transmission.

Interview with SIMED’s Dr. Muhammad Ali, M.D.
In a recent interview with local SIMED primary care physician we discussed day to day management of shingles and this was the advice he provided. Blister period maintenance is essential to getting through a shingles outbreak due to the skins protective layer being exposed. With the blisters open infection is a commonality; however we can reduce this incidence via soap and water cleaning techniques. During outbreaks soap and water is the best cleaning method to prevent infection of the open wound areas. Next we discussed how shingles can commonly be confused with other skin irritations that could be due to another source. This can be differentiated through knowing that shingles presentation is unilateral, or on one side of the body. If there is bilateral presentation, both sides of your body, then it is highly unlikely that shingles is the culprit. This is due to shingles being active in the nerves.

Dermatomes. Digital image. Http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwk8c1hSgD1r5my9jo1_1280.jpg. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2015. <http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwk8c1hSgD1r5my9jo1_1280.jpg>.

Within this picture representation it shows the areas which particular nerves innervate each region of the body. With shingles it is highly unlikely to see presentation on both sides of the body in the same position. Due to this innervation shingles can be very painful due to post hepatic neuralgia, or pain within the nerves after presentation. This is also why it is important to seek out antiviral treatment options, which have been discussed previously.

"ZOSTAVAX® (Zoster Vaccine Live)." ZOSTAVAX® (Zoster Vaccine Live). Web. 22 July 2015


Ali, Muhammad. "Shingles Virus Information." SIMED. SIMED Office, Gainesville. 1 July 2015. Lecture.

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