Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Introduction to Shingles

Introduction to Shingles 

What is Shingles?

Shingles is a condition that can present after one has had chickenpox. The Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is the culprit that causes both. However incidence of chickenpox does not mean that you will get shingles. After chickenpox the VZV can stay within your body and goes into dormancy. The most at risk populations are the elderly, over 50 years of age, and individuals with suppressed immune systems. According to Mayoclinic, half of those over the age of 80 will get Shingles. 

Characteristics of Shingles:

  • Pain, burning, numbness or tingling
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Presentation of a red rash within days after pain, numbness, or tingling.
  • Fluid-filled Blisters that break open and crust over.
  • Itching
Below is a link to Mayo Clinic and the clinical presentation of Shingles.

How to Prevent Shingles?

Prevention is the best way to avoid getting Shingles. Vaccinations are available, which are known as the Herpes Zoster Vaccination, Zostavax, which is recommended for individuals over the age of 60. This is a similar vaccine to the Chickenpox vaccination we used for young children. This vaccination has shown to lower the rate of incidence of Shingles in both men and women by over 50%. It has also shown to dramatically reduce the symptoms associated with shingles upon incidence, which is why the CDC recommends receiving the Zostavax vaccination.  More information about the vaccine can be seen in the Video below along with a link to the CDC informational page on their stance on vaccination. 

So what to do now?

If you have already had concerns about the possibility of having Shingles, the best idea would be to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician or visit a local clinic to discuss treatment options. Vaccination is the best prevention we have against incidence of Shingles. One of the most important things about Shingles is that it is largely a condition of opportunity. Immuno-suppressed individuals, such as post-chemo therapy patients and those with HIV, are most susceptible to getting shingles due to their immune system. If you have had chickenpox in the past there is a possibility that undergoing procedures, such as organ transplants, can increase the risk of shingles due to immune suppression. Consult any questions you have with a PCP before making decisions that could put you in a compromised state. 

Outcomes post Shingles

The good news is that Shingles is a very treatable condition. Through anti-viral medications and pain-relievers the symptoms can be managed easiest within 72 hours of presentation. There is rarely any hospitalization due to its manageability with a timely treatment. 


"Vaccination." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 Nov. 2014. Web. 5 Aug. 2015.

"NINDS Shingles Information Page." Shingles Information Page: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Web. 5 Aug. 2015.

***All references used with be noted within this color text.


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